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A Little Slice of
Nonna's House...

Cotoletta Pizza
"Best Pies in rochester."
Est. 2023
Cookin' since '67
Cotoletta is the culmination of a decades-long friendship between Rochester Real Estate Developer Jay W. and Executive Chef Jay Speranza.

Compelled by their love of Rochester's old school delis, pizza shops and eateries, the Jays dreamed up a little joint that could serve as an ode to the city's rich Italian culture and history.

Cotoletta, meaning cutlet in Italian, is a subtle dive into Rochester's yesteryears. Complete with faux wood paneled walls, flickering old neon, and enough laminate and pleather to worry the EPA, Cotoletta feels as comfy as your Nonna's old basement rec room.

So grab a pie, a sangwich, a cannoli, and a drink and fuhgeddabout life for a little while. Welcome to Cotoletta.

Cold hard FACTS.

1. Tacos are good!

2. Beer is good!

(in moderation!)

3. Friends are good!

That's all!

"Eat to your heart's content...
then eat a little bit more."
- The Jays